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Almost every financial decision we make as individuals or business owners will have a tax consequence.

From bookkeeping to payroll… from Profit and Loss reports to Balance Sheets… from Income Tax Preparation to Taxpayer Representation before the IRS, we do it all. 

As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”

Professional Tax Preparation 

Preparing your own Individual or Business tax return can be a chore that leaves you with more questions than answers.

Today’s tax laws are so complicated that filing a relatively simple return can be confusing. Even if you use a computer tax software program, there’s no substitute for the assistance of an experienced tax professional.

You’ll avoid overpaying the IRS by having us prepare your returns.

Accurate and Complete Bookkeeping

It’s easy to focus on day-to-day operations in your business, and lose sight of important paperwork to process and government forms to file. 

Then April 15th comes around, your books gets done in a rush, and the combination of missing receipts and haphazard record-keeping causes you to miss out on important deductions.

We offer a bookkeeping system that can be custom-tailored to your business, your philosophy, and your pocketbook

Up-to-date and accurate record-keeping is the important first step toward minimizing your business taxes.  

And as your profit and growth experts, we’ll show you how to use the accounting information to make wise business decisions and maximize your profitability.

Easy Payroll Service

Small business owners spend on average eight hours a month performing payroll functions. That’s 12 days a year that could be spent generating sales, developing new opportunities, improving products or services, or servicing your customers.

We offer payroll solutions tailored to your needs so you can spend more time growing your business and less time chasing payroll and tax details.

IRS Problem Resolution

We are the rescue squad for taxpayers in trouble with the IRS. 

IRS problems do not just go away by themselves. We’re here to help you resolve your back tax problems and put an end to the emotional and financial misery the IRS can put you through. 

We offer Taxpayer Representation before the IRS that is efficient, aggressive, affordable, and of course, extremely discreet.

Proactive Tax Coaching

Most tax preparers put last year’s numbers on last year’s tax forms, and then tell you what you owe — without a plan to lower your tax the next year.

We consider that to be a reactive process.

We prefer a proactive tax planning approach that we refer to as “tax coaching”.  We find your wasted tax dollars, educate you on the cost of your mistakes and missed opportunities, and create tax savings for you by implementing IRS-approved strategies.

Here’s the 5 step process to saving thousands of dollars in taxes that you shouldn’t have to be paying:

  1. We review prior year tax returns, looking for missed opportunties and mistakes
  2. You find out how much you’re spending each year in taxes you don’t have to be paying
  3. You receive a planning project fee quote. If tax savings are significant, you decide whether to pay our a planning fee. (Or you can keep over-paying the IRS; it’s your choice).
  4. You hear every tax saving recommendation we can find for you, discuss pros and cons for each strategy, and select which ones to implement.
  5. We put the plan into action, working with you so you’ll know exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.